Monthly Archives: December, 2016

I do not think it means what you think it means…

Sometime in the past day or so, CVE-2016-10001 was publicly disclosed, and possibly a duplicate. Regardless, CVE-2016-10002 is also now public and legitimate. Tonight, I Tweeted that the presence of those IDs doesn’t mean what many will think it means. I say that based on the past experience, both historical and more recent. Even 17 years later, many people believe that CVE assignments are sequential and that a given ID means that is the number of vulnerabilities aggregated by MITRE that year. That isn’t how it works and it never has.

As of the December 18 dump available from MITRE, there are 10,137 identifiers in the dump. However, 44 of them are REJECTED and 4,760 are in RESERVED status. That means there are 5,333 live CVE identifiers at this time that correspond to vulnerabilities. Since a single CVE ID can include multiple similar vulnerabilities, that number is also misleading. If you take their data and abstract it on a per-vulnerability basis, they cover 8,058 issues as aggregated by Risk Based Security’s VulnDB. So, to be very clear:

CVE has not cataloged 10,000 vulnerabilities in 2016 based on CVE IDs.

Additionally, to be very clear again:

CVE has not cataloged 10,000 vulnerabilities in 2016 based on their actual aggregated vulnerability data.

Meanwhile, VulnDB has currently cataloged 14,485 vulnerabilities, compared to the CVE 8,058 actual number. Hopefully your organization uses more than just CVE data. That means within your security products that scan for vulnerabilities, your tools that collect the data, and ultimately the reporting that guides your security team in making decisions.

All of that said… taking bets if we see Tweets, blogs, or news articles claiming the “10,000 vulns in 2016” notion.